Design Optimization of Slotted Liner Completions in Horizontal Wells: An Analytical Skin Factor Model Verified by Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Sand Retention Tests

Authors: M. Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | S. Nejadi (University of Alberta) | M. Roostaei (University of Alberta) | J. Olsen (University of Alberta) | V. Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | C. F. Lange (University of Alberta) | D. Zhu (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | B. Fermaniuk (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | A….

Experimental Assessment of Wire-Wrapped Screens Performance in SAGD Production Wells

Authors: Jesus David Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | Chenxi Wang (University of Alberta) | Mohammad Haftani (University of Alberta) | Yu Pang (University of Alberta) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) This study presents an…

New Criteria for Slotted Liner Design for Heavy Oil Thermal Production

Authors: Mahdi Mahmoudi (University of Alberta) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (University of Alberta) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) | Ting Yao (the University of Hong Kong) | Beatrice Anne Baudet (the University of Hong Kong) | Michael Leitch (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Brent Fermaniuk (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) This…

Assessment of Existing Design Criteria for Wire-Wrapped Screens in Thermal Wells

Authors: J. D. Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | C. Wang (University of Alberta) | A. Nouri (University of Alberta) | M. Haftani (University of Alberta) | M. Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management) | V. Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management) A three-phase flow large pre-packed Sand Retention Test (SRT)…