Authors: M. Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | S. Nejadi (University of Alberta) | M. Roostaei (University of Alberta) | J. Olsen (University of Alberta) | V. Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | C. F. Lange (University of Alberta) | D. Zhu (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | B. Fermaniuk (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | A….
Authors: Mahdi Mahmoudi (University of Alberta) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (University of Alberta) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) | Ting Yao (University of Hong Kong) | Beatrice Anne Baudet (University of Hong Kong) | Michael Leitch (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) Oil sand characterization tests are essential for…
Authors: Jesus David Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | Chenxi Wang (University of Alberta) | Mohammad Haftani (University of Alberta) | Yu Pang (University of Alberta) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) This study presents an…
Authors: Chenxi Wang (University of Alberta) | Yu Pang (University of Alberta) | Jesus Montero (University of Alberta) | Mohammad Haftani (University of Alberta) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) Thermal stimulation techniques are widely used…
Authors: Mahdi Mahmoudi (University of Alberta) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (University of Alberta) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) | Ting Yao (the University of Hong Kong) | Beatrice Anne Baudet (the University of Hong Kong) | Michael Leitch (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Brent Fermaniuk (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) This…
…design are essential parameters on every sheave but even more critical on the top sheave, where the wireline travels around the sheave 180 degrees. In contrast, generally, on the bottom…
Authors: Jesus David Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | Chenxi Wang (University of Alberta) | Mohammad Haftani (University of Alberta) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) Wire-wrapped screens (WWSs) are one of the most-commonly used devices by steam-assisted gravity drainage…
Authors: M. Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management) | V. Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management) | C. Wang (University of Alberta) | O. Kotb (University of Alberta) | M. Roostaei (University of Alberta)…
Authors: Mahdi Mahmoudi, University of Alberta; Vahidoddin Fattahpour, University of Alberta; Alireza Nouri, University of Alberta; Saad Rasool, University of Alberta; Michael Leitch, RGL Reservoir Management Inc. The quantification of fines…
Authors: J. D. Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | C. Wang (University of Alberta) | A. Nouri (University of Alberta) | M. Haftani (University of Alberta) | M. Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management) | V. Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management) A three-phase flow large pre-packed Sand Retention Test (SRT)…