Coiled Line Pipe provides 40% cost savings and a better, faster and more cost efficient way to install steel line pipe in the DJ Basin.

Project Overview
A large, independent, oil and gas company, based in Houston, TX had a field development that was falling behind schedule due to facilities being complete, but flowlines from the pads taking too much time to build. The customer required a safe, quick and cost efficient steel flowline installation. After rigorous vetting from procurement, engineering and material specialists from the customer, Coiled Line Pipe by Global Tubing was selected as the best solution to replace seamless steel pipe.
Project Highlights
- Global Tubing provided 22 reels of 3,700 ft each of Coiled Line Pipe from stock to quickly deliver the quantity requested by the customer.
- The Coiled Line Pipe installation, from unloading to ditch, was 4 times faster than stick steel pipe.
- The entire project had 30 welds as compared to 2000 with steel line pipe.
Global Tubing’s Coiled Line Pipe was the most suitable solution for the customer, catching up to schedule and even completing ahead of time and below budget with no compromise to safety and integrity.
New, well-to-facility, multiple gathering flowlines
Fort Lupton, Colorado
Crude Oil – Multiphase
2″ Nominal OD,
Schedule 80 (0.218″ wall thickness)
A53/X52C Coiled Line Pipe
3 Layer Polypropylene Coating
78,200 feet