Cable and Umbilical Lubrication Systems
TuffTool lubricator was developed to inject TUFFCOAT-M lubricant into umbilicals and wire rope under tension. High pressure forces the lubricant to the inner core of the cable, which provides maximum protection from corrosion and wear. Regular applications of TUFFCOAT will promote longevity of your cables.
Cable and Umbilical Lubrication & Spooling
Forum offers cable, umbilical and wire rope lubrication and spooling services primarily in support of our handling system sales originating from our Bryan, Texas, facility. Our lubrication system combines our exclusive use of Tuff Coat M Marine Lubricant and Tuff Tool lubricant applicators to provide customers with the highest quality lubrication services available. We will be pleased to provide a quotation for lubrication or spooling services upon receipt of your cable, umbilical or wire rope specifications.
Handling System Maintenance and Repair Services
Forum. offers worldwide maintenance and repair services in support of handling system sales originating from our Bryan, Texas, facility.
Tuff Tool
Used to inject Tuff Coat M lubricant into concentric cables or umbilicals with diameters ranging from 12.70 mm (0.50 in.) to 50.80 mm (2.0 in.)
The tool is constructed of stainless steel and is machined for installation of o-ring seals to ensure proper sealing, allowing the assembly to contain the lubricant under high internal injection pressures. The typical two-piece body and unique split seal design allow the tool to be installed anywhere along the length of cable. Fluid disconnects on each half of the tool allow lubricant to be pumped into the injection chamber from opposite sides of the tool to ensure complete distribution of the lubricant in the chamber. A pressure gauge allows injection chamber pressure to be monitored.
The lubricant is supplied to the tool from a supplied air motor driven RAM pump that transfers lubricant from the shipping container into the tool under pressure. The lubricant is pumped from a 19 liter (5 gallon) or 208 liter (55 gallon) product container.

Features and performance characteristics of Tuff Tool
Introduces the lubricant to all the working parts of the cable.
The robust design of the tool and the unique seal design allow lubricant to be injected into the cable under pressures required (pressures exceeding 1800 psi are possible) to ensure total lubricant penetration with minimal product loss.
Constriction of the armor strands when the cable or rope is under tension restricts flow of high viscosity lubricants into the inner lays. The ability to generate high injection pressures coupled with the thixotropic property (property of various gels of becoming fluid when under pressure) of Tuff Coat M results in total penetration throughout the volume of the armor and wires displacing all water and filling any void spaces with the highly effective lubricant.
Capable of delivering the lubricant with a minimum of product loss.
The same unique design properties of the tool body and seals that allow containment of high injection pressures within the tool minimizes the amount of product loss during application to cables and umbilicals.
The thin uniform coating on the exterior of the cables and the clear blue color of the Tuff Coat M makes for ease of visual inspection of the outer armor wires.
Able to apply the lubricant on a wide range of cable and rope profiles.
The Tuff Tool is designed to apply Tuff Coat M lubricant on a variety of cable and umbilical designs with concentric and relatively smooth outer layers.

Tuff Tool Lubricant Applicators
The Tuff Tool lubricant applicator was designed and developed to inject Tuff Coat M lubricant into umbilicals and cables at the request of customers spooling cables onto Forum – Dynacon manufactured winches at our facility in Bryan, Texas. Continued development of the tool has resulted in a dependable applicator system suitable for applying Tuff Coat M.
What makes an effective lubricant applicator?
A proper lubricant applicator must have the following characteristics:
- must introduce lubricant to all working parts of the cable and displace any water or contaminates
- must deliver lubricant with a minimum of product loss
- must be be able to apply lubricant on a wide range of cable and wire rope profiles
The Tuff Tool applicators are used to inject Tuff Coat M lubricant into umbilicals,cables, and wire rope. Tuff Tool is an effective applicator for a wide range of cable and wire rope profiles. This includes helical lay wire ropes in which the strand cross-sectional profile prevents efficient application of the lubricant with smooth bore seals. The robust design of the tool and the unique seal design allow lubricant to be injected under pressures exceeding 124 bar ( 1,800 psi, 12,410 kPa) to ensure total lubricant penetration with minimal product loss.

Tuff Coat M Marine Lubrication System
Service life of wire ropes, armored cables, and umbilicals can be increased proportionally to the effectiveness of the lubricant applied and the amount of lubricant reaching the working parts.
Tuff Coat M Marine Lubricant Extends Service Life
Service life of wire ropes, armored cables, and umbilicals can be increased proportionally to the effectiveness of the lubricant applied and the amount of lubricant reaching the working parts.
What makes an effective lubricant?
A proper lubricant must have the following characteristics:
- must reduce friction
- must protect against corrosion
- must be pliable and adhere to the wire when it is cold and not melt off when it is warm
- must resist washout by water
- must be safe to personnel and the environment
Features or performance characteristics of Tuff Coat M Marine Lubricant
- Effective at reducing friction
Tuff Coat M has a very high lubricity. Synthetic oils are produced with better (perfect) molecules resulting in high lubricity characteristics as demonstrated in the synthetic oils used in today’s high performance cars and racing vehicles.
- Superior protection against corrosion

Tuff Coat M forms an ionic bond to the wire. This ionic bond results in a tenacious film that displaces water from the metal surface. These properties were demonstrated in a Salt Spray Exposure Test (ASTM B117) in which a cable sample coated with Tuff Coat M and an un-coated control sample were exposed to salt spray for a period of 800 hours. On conclusion of the test the Tuff Coat M sample received a final rating of “8” (described as,” few isolated corroded areas, less than 0.1% of surface corroded) in accordance with the ASTM D610 grading scheme. The control sample received a final rating of “0” (described as,” approximately 100% of the surface corroded”).

- Highly stable, staying pliable and adhering to the wire when it is cold and not melt off even at extreme temperatures.
Tuff Coat M is an extremely stable lubricant that retains its physical state and properties throughout a very wide temperature range. Thermal decomposition may occur at temperatures above 800º F. This extremely high temperature range makes it uniquely suitable for applications such as ROV umbilicals experiencing heating due to high power transfer and down-hole drilling applications where extreme temperatures are encountered.
- Highly resistant to washout by water
Tuff Coat M is hydrophobic(lacking an affinity for water). Results of a Water Washout Test (ASTM D1264) performed at 38ºC and 78ºC were as follow:
@ 38ºC % loss was 0.19%
@ 78ºC % loss was 0.94%
- Non-hazardous and inert substance that is safe to personnel and the environment
Tuff Coat M is non-hazardous which will not sheen the water. In a study to determine the toxicity of Tuff Coat M a 24-hour acute test was performed on Mysidopsis Bahia in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/600/4-90/027F)(1993). The product passed the EPA requirements with a 100% survival rate of the M. Bahia in a 100% test concentration of TUFF COAT M.
Tuff Coat M Marine Lubricant
- Chemical family: Synthetic Lubricants
- DOT Hazard Class: Non-hazardous
- Physical State: Grease
- Appearance: Blue
- Solubility in Water: Negligible
- Vapor Pressure: less than 0.1 mm Hg@20ºC
- Vapor Density: greater than air (air = 1)
- Pour Point: > 700 degrees F
- Boiling Point: N/A
- Evaporation Rate: Negligible
- Specific Gravity: Greater Than 0.91
- Odor: Lube Oil
- Salt Spray Test >0.1% surface corrosion after 800 hour exposure
- Solubility in Water Negligible
Standard Features
Tuff Coat M Marine Lubricant
- Lubricant is non-toxic, is hygrophobic, will not wash out and will not leave a sheen on water surface
- Lubricant is high viscosity, will not harden
- 700 degree F pour point provides protection for hot, high power ROV umbilicals
- Easily cleans up with mineral spirits or citrus-based solvent for eniviromental protection