Heater Treaters
Heater Treaters are used in the oil and gas industry to help facilitate crude oil/water separation by speeding up emulsions separation through applying heat. You can think of heater treaters as low pressure, 3-phase separators equipped with firetubes. They separate gas from the incoming emulsion and separate the emulsion into a water phase and an oil phase. Heater treaters can also function as a free water knockout (FWKO), a heat exchanger, a filter, and a water wash tank.
FET’s Production Equipment division is a leading provider of heater treaters in the oil and gas industry. Our experience and knowledge about oil and gas separation assure producers and operators that FET’s commitment to reliability and safety comes first every time. Each application for separation requirements is reviewed and designed by our engineering team to meet the needs of the producer. Every vessel is designed and fabricated according to all applicable codes and the latest material standards.
We design heater treaters vertically or horizontally. Producers often choose the style of the heater based on previous experience and the preference of their operators. Horizontal heater treaters have a much larger oil-treating section and are used to treat heavier crudes where additional settling time is required. Horizontal treaters offer more flexibility in sizing than vertical vessels. Vertical heater treaters have a smaller footprint but a higher profile.
- Engineered and designed in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. I, API 12K, & ASME B31.3
- Full-time onsite ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level II inspectors
- Full-time onsite project management
- Full-time onsite electricians
- Oil-immersed fire tube assembly
- Fully customizable level controls, valves, and accessories
- Painted to customer specification
- 100% Hydro tested
- 100% X-Ray tested
- ForumID – RFID technology
- Skidded or non-skidded package