Coiled Line Pipe provides a better, faster and more cost efficient way to install X52C steel line pipe.

Project Overview
A large, independent, oil and gas company, based in Houston, TX had a field development that required a safe, quick, and cost-efficient steel flowline installation. There were 7 new wells that needed to be tied into a central gathering facility. Coiled Line Pipe was selected as the solution that provided the greatest cost benefit, highest safety potential and improved product performance as compared to the usual stick steel pipe.
Project Highlights
- The field development required seven (7) new flowlines and one (1) gas lift pipeline to tie the new well back to the central gathering facility.
- Global Tubing answered the needs of the customer by supplying 51,000 ft of Coiled Line Pipe from stock to deliver the entire quantity requested on thirty-four (34) spools.
- The Coiled Line Pipe was strung onto the right-of-way in only 4.5 days, significantly faster than stick steel pipe.
- Eliminated the need for at least 16 fittings along the route by sweeping the continuous lengths of Coiled Line Pipe around one of the P.I.’s and onto the well pads.
- The entire pipeline length required only (32) welds to complete the same scope on the right-of way that would have required at least (1300) welds for traditional stick pipe for a 97.5% reduction
in total number of welds.
Global Tubing’s Coiled Line Pipe supplied a no hassle solution for the field needs of the client. Cost Savings of over the steel pipe installation were delivered upon project completion.
By using Coiled Line Pipe, every client can enjoy the peace of mind that only steel pipe’s long history and specification compliance can provide and combine it with the cost savings of a spool-able pipeline.
New, well-to-facility gathering flowlines
Plains of Northeastern Colorado
Crude Oil – Multiphase
3″ Nominal OD,
Schedule 80 (0.300″ wall thickness)
A53/X52C Coiled Line Pipe with 3 Layer Polypropylene Coating
51,000 feet