FET’s ROV Completes Sea Trials to Support Arctic Research and Exploration

Aberdeen, UK – March 2021 – Forum Energy Technologies today announced that its light work-class remotely operated vehicle (ROV), Comanche 38, has successfully completed sea trials with Amundsen Science (Université Laval, Canada). The ROV was sold to the scientific research organisation earlier this year and will be supporting exploration of Artic and Sub-Arctic seafloor ecosystems. The vehicle was installed onboard the Canadian research icebreaker vessel, CCGS Amundsen.

The ROV’s deployment procedures and versatile capacity trials included undertaking video surveys, high-resolution still photography of benthic habitats, the collection of coral and other benthic fauna samples, as well as sediment sampling using precisely positioned sediment push cores.

Kevin Taylor, FET’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles, said: “It is vital to the success of this research project that an operationally resilient ROV was chosen to ensure a reliable performance in the harsh environment and depths found in the Arctic. Our Sub-Atlantic Comanche ROV system has passed its sea trials, with its high thrust-to-drag ratio enabling it to operate in strong currents and its high specification with a seven-function manipulator arm successfully achieving complex underwater procedures.”

“This is the second ROV we have delivered to Université Laval and we are thrilled it has passed its sea trials and the organisation is now in a position to begin studying the deep-water corals and cold deep eco-systems of the northern Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay.”

The new Comanche ROV was manufactured at FET’s facility at Kirkbymoorside, Yorkshire and replaces FET’s previously utilised Super Mohawk ROV.

Since 2003, CCGS Amundsen has spent over 2,500 research days at sea and accommodated over 1,800 scientists, technicians, students, and professionals from over 20 different countries. The coronavirus pandemic has postponed some of its current work until next year.

Primarily funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation through Université Laval, the first multidisciplinary expedition of the new ROV in 2021 will allow a contingent of scientists from national research teams to study the marine and coastal environments of the Canadian and Greenlandic waters.

“The Comanche 38 will become a flagship equipment of the CCGS Amundsen for many years to come. We anticipate that it will be used in support of several cutting-edge research projects that aim to better understand the biodiversity and productivity of fragile Arctic marine ecosystems,” said Alexandre Forest, Executive Director of Amundsen Science.



Issued on behalf of FET Subsea Technologies by BIG Partnership. For more information, please contact Pam Wilson on +44 (0)1224 211045 or [email protected]


Notes to Editors:

About FET Subsea Technologies

Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion, production and infrastructure sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. FET is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe. For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

About the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen and Amundsen Science

Mobilized for science in 2002 thanks to major grants from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and other partners, the Amundsen has been pivotal in revitalizing Canada’s research effort in the study of the changing Arctic Ocean. Since 2003, the research icebreaker has accommodated over 115 Canadian and international teams in the deployment of no less than 50 major programs. Hosted at Université Laval, Amundsen Science maintains the vessel’s pool of scientific equipment, coordinates the deployment of the icebreaker for science, and provides logistical and technical support for user programs. For more information on Amundsen Science and the CCGS Amundsen: www.amundsenscience.ulaval.ca

Forum Energy Technologies Appoints Brazilian Partner to Support Growth in South America

Aberdeen, UK – March 2021 – Forum Energy Technologies today announced that it has entered into a partnership with Deepsea Technologies Equipamentos Industriais Ltda (Deepsea Technologies) to represent its operations in Brazil as part of the business’ long-term growth strategy in South America.

Deepsea Technologies provides engineered products and services to the oil and gas industry globally. It has a key focus in delivering solutions for subsea and topside production systems and subsea intervention systems.

The partnership will see Deepsea Technologies provide business development and engineering support on behalf of FET in Brazil. It will also deliver full servicing, repair, calibration, upgrades and modifications for FET remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and associated tooling. Deepsea Technologies will also have responsibility for the repair and calibration of FET torque machines.

Kevin Taylor, FET’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles said: “We continue to see strong demand for our products in Brazil and recognise the need to appoint a local partner to increase our in-country presence and support our ambitious strategy.

“It’s important that we work with partners who can deliver the high quality of service FET is known for. Deepsea Technologies is a well-respected business and the team provides us with a strong channel to complement our existing framework across the academic, survey and energy markets.

“This agreement ensures that our clients in Brazil receive the same streamlined and consistent support they are accustomed to around the globe. We look forward to increasing our activity in the region and delivering our world-class range of products and services to the Brazilian market.”

Felipe Lamego, Managing Partner – Deepsea Technologies Ltda, said: “We are extremely excited by this partnership and certain that our customers and stakeholders in Brazil will appreciate the strengths and complementary business deliverables such an alliance has to offer.”


Issued on behalf of Forum Energy Technologies by Gillian George. For more information, please contact [email protected] or +44 (0)1224 211045.

Notes to Editors:

Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion and, production sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. FET is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe.

For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

Forum Manufactures Technologically Advanced Submarine Rescue Vehicle

Aberdeen, UK – January 2021

Forum Energy Technologies today announced it has completed manufacturing a highly advanced submarine rescue vehicle (SRV) including cutting edge technologies, which may be utilized to extract submariners from distress situations.

Forum’s latest SRV joins a small group of rescue systems in use around the globe.  The LR-class SRV, however, surpasses systems manufactured by other suppliers over the last decade, including the NSRS (NATO Submarine Rescue System) and the ‘LR7’, which was delivered to China.

The LR-class SRV is built to meet the most up-to-date industry standards and classed by Lloyds Register.  It is capable of rescuing up to 17 people at a time and operate at depths of up to 600m.  The new model has increased power and an advanced auxiliary thruster control system that allows for speeds of up to four knots, enabling it to operate in high currents. The vehicle is able to attach to submarines at highly precarious angles, above 40 degrees.

The state-of-the-art submersible vehicle also has some of the most advanced sensors and sonars to locate a distressed submarine as quickly as possible. This includes a doppler velocity log, fiber optic gyroscope, sonar and depth sensing. All sensors and sonar systems are fully embedded into Forum’s software to deliver advanced functionality, including auto depth, auto heading and autopilot. The latter function utilises an electric propulsor pivot mechanism and is unique to the company’s LR-class SRV.

The LR-Class SRV is divided into two sections, a command module for pilots and a rescue chamber for the submarine crew. The rescue chamber can be pressurised as necessary to ensure rescued crew are decompressed to prevent decompression sickness (the bends). Once at surface, the vessel latches to a decompression chamber where crew are safely transferred.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles, commented: “When a navy submarine runs into trouble and sends out an urgent SOS, the rescue mission quickly becomes a time critical military operation to save those on board and prevent worsening health conditions, including decompression sickness (the bends) or fatalities. The SRV must therefore be highly reliable.

“We have pioneered the development of manned submersibles since 1975 and have supported military organisations and naval forces all around the globe. The completion of the SRV is a huge achievement for the business and testament to our highly experienced engineering, QHSE, purchasing, planning and production teams. I would like to commend these groups for their hard work to realize our vision for the future of specialised submarine rescue vehicles.”

The first of the latest LR-class SRV is being packaged and shipped to its final destination later this month (January) before undergoing final sea trials with the client during Q1 2021.


Issued on behalf of Forum Subsea Technologies by BIG Partnership. For more information, please contact Gillian George on +44 (0)1224 211045

Forum’s XT500 Trenching System to Support Major Cable Maintenance Project in Asia

Aberdeen, UK – November 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies has secured an order to supply specialist subsea equipment for a major cable maintenance project in South East Asia.

The contract, which was awarded through Forum’s local representatives, will see the company deploy a Perry® XT500 trenching system and Dynacon® Launch and Recovery System as well as associated surface power and control installations. The equipment will be used to support telecommunication contracts in South East Asia and the Indian Ocean.

The XT500 trenching system is ideally suited to cable maintenance projects with a 3,000m depth rating and three metre ROV burial capability on the ocean floor. It utilises Forum’s proven Integrated Control Engine (ICE™) and has robust 500 HP power.

The vehicle will be manufactured at Forum’s facility at Kirkbymoorside, Yorkshire and installed onboard the client’s vessel in early 2021.

As part of the workscope, Forum will also deliver operational and maintenance training for the client’s personnel and provide support during the first mobilisation onboard the vessel, including sea trials.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles, said: “Forum has a strong reputation globally for manufacturing high quality, robust ROVs and associated auxiliary products for a number of industries ranging from oil and gas to renewables, defence, mining and telecommunications. We have continued to strengthen our footprint in Asia and this contract is a testament to our high-quality equipment and skilled personnel. Our local representative is a well-respected supplier in the region and our partnership has provided a strong channel to complement to our existing framework.

“This is the fifth ROV we have delivered to this client and we are thrilled the organisation continues to see the value our ROVs deliver. I am looking forward to seeing our system provide the required operational resilience, reliability and performance standards expected in such a safety-critical sector.”

The XT500 trenching system is designed to meet the demanding trenching requirements of both strong soils and deep flowline burial protection over long stretches. Capable of operating in free-fly, skid-based trenching and survey modes, the system is designed for demanding applications, providing a robust solution even in the world’s harshest environments.


Issued on behalf of Forum Subsea Technologies by BIG Partnership. For more information, please contact Pam Wilson on +44 (0)1224 211045 or [email protected]

Forum Develops Remote Piloting Capability for ROVs

– Remote Piloting for Perry and Sub-Atlantic ROVs –

Aberdeen, UK – 3rd August 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies has revealed it has developed and demonstrated the ability to remotely operate Workclass and Observation Class (Perry and Sub-Atlantic) ROV systems between an offshore vessel and a remote location.

This new capability brings major opportunities to adapt operational practices in response to the latest industry drives as cost savings and reductions in HSE risks can be realised through reducing offshore crew sizes.

The concept of remote piloting was proven by Forum 2010 when the company successfully operated its TXLX Workclass ROV in its test pool at Kirkbymoorside, UK  from a TXLX Console located in Florida, USA. Remote Control capabilities demonstrated were camera and light controls, manifold power on/off, depth and gyro power, pan and tilt controls, manipulator controls, ROV thruster controls, auto heading controls. At that time, internet speeds were much slower than today resulting in high latency telemetry which the control system software was not equipped to counter.

However, continued development in software efficiencies which reduce the effect of network latency coupled with increased availability and reliability of the global 4G network has now allowed Forum to offer remote operations on its full range of ROV systems. Forum’s ICE™ & subCAN™ remote operations suites provide a robust means of piloting vessel or platform-based systems from an onshore control facility via a wired, 4G or satellite connection.

The onshore hardware replicates the offshore HMI hardware and GUI so will be immediately familiar to operators. The Onshore Control Module provides a local hub for power and data connections.

Existing offshore control station hardware is upgraded to allow remote control and monitoring of power systems. The Offshore Control Module interfaces with the upgraded hardware providing control and monitoring via the existing ICE/subCAN network. A key-switch, in conjunction with the software, ensures secure control of hand-over between offshore and onshore stations.

The ICE™ & subCAN™ control software applies enhanced position control when a compatible DVL and gyro are fitted to the ROV.

The system upgrade components are manufactured and delivered from Forum’s UK facility in Kirkbymoorside, Yorkshire.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s vice president – subsea vehicles, said: “Forum has a strong reputation globally for manufacturing high quality, robust ROVs and associated auxiliary products for a number of industries ranging from oil and gas to renewables, defence, mining and telecommunications. This additional and important feature is part of our continued product support and development across the entire range.

“Remote operations can reduce the number of personnel offshore, particularly during complex processes or technical procedures which may require a specialist to be deployed. The capability also aligns strongly with industry drives to reduce carbon footprint and deliver safe, efficient operations.”

Forum Energy Technologies has 50 years’ experience producing Perry and Sub-Atlantic ROVs and has produced more than 800 ROV systems. Our Remote Intervention Technologies is unmatched throughout the world as is our range of ROVs, TMSs, winches and A-Frames. Our ROV manufacturing is certified and compliant to ISO 9001 and 18001.


Issued on behalf of Forum Energy Technologies by Gillian George. For more information, please contact [email protected] or +44 (0)1224 211045.


Notes to Editors:


Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion and, production sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. Forum is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe.

For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

Forum Energy Technologies Appoints Chinese Partner to Support Asian Growth Strategy

Aberdeen, UK – 8th June 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies has announced that Wuxi Haiying-Cal Tec Marine Technology Co., Ltd will represent Forum for the sale of the company’s extensive range of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in China, including its recently launched XLe Spirit electric ROV.

The vehicle, which recently completed successful sea trial in Norway, is the first of a new generation of electric observation class ROVs. It is the smallest in the new range, and powerful enough perform subsea maintenance and repair work.

Kevin Taylor, Vice President — Subsea Vehicles at Forum Energy Technologies, said: “We continue to see strong demand for our products in China and the wider Asian market, and recognised the need for a local partner to support our long-term growth strategy.

“It’s important that we work with the best and most well-respected partners in country and Wuxi Haiying-Cal Tec Marine Technology Co., Ltd provides us with another strong channel to complement to our existing framework across the academic, survey and energy markets.

“This agreement ensures that our clients in China receive the same streamlined and consistent support they are accustomed to around the globe. We look forward to engaging with new and existing companies through this partnership to grow our foothold in China and deliver our world-class range of reliable ROVs.”


Issued on behalf of Forum Energy Technologies by Gillian George. For more information, please contact [email protected] or +44 (0)1224 211045.


Notes to Editors:


Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion and, production sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. Forum is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe.

For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

Forum’s XLX-C ROV Successfully Completes Sea Trials for Vietnam Navy

Aberdeen, UK – 26th May 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies’ remotely operated vehicle (ROV), the Perry XLX-C, has successfully completed sea trials in Vietnam.

Working with its customer Submarine Manufacturing & Products (SMP) and the Vietnam Navy, the sea trials followed an extensive commissioning period and factory acceptance test which took place at Forum’s test tank in Kirbymoorside, Yorkshire, UK.

The vehicle is the compact derivative of the highly successful XLX work class ROV. The XLX-C ROV was designed, manufactured and tested on the same site. It is a heavy-duty work class hydraulic ROV with a depth rating of 4,000m, with ancillary equipment, including cameras, lights, altimeters and sonars.

It will be used to support the Vietnamese’ submarine rescue vehicle in its operations during assessment and preparation of a site for a submersible rescue. The XLX-C is fitted with Forum’s latest technology and can deliver specialized equipment, including an Emergency Life Support System, to a distressed submarine. It was supplied with an Emergency Life Support Stores (ELSS) underslung ROV skid which allows the transport and deployment of up to three ELSS pods at once to a distressed submarine (DISSUB).

The XLX-C is coupled with a Forum Dynacon Launch and Recovery System (LARS) manufactured in the US. The Houston team also supplied a VMAX ROV training simulator for the XLX-C as a training aid for the ROV pilots. Forum’s software developers designed a new scenario to instruct pilots on how to latch the ROV with a distressed submarine using a ‘sticky foot’ tool in order to deliver emergency supply pods.

Forum has also provided the Vietnam Navy with a VisualSoft, four Channel VisualDVR, system. This is a multichannel digital video recorder with dynamic overlay and was supplied by Forum’s VisualSoft team in Aberdeen, UK. The VisualSoft product line has been synonymous with underwater digital video recording and data management since the company pioneered the use of the technology 20 years ago.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s vice president – subsea vehicles, commented: “The XLX-C’s successful sea trials marks another success for the company as we continue to bring the latest technology to the industry. The vehicle’s capabilities make it ideally suited to a wide range of operations in the defence market.

“Forum has a robust strategy of providing first-class engineering, after market support and service to our clients from our operating centres in the key regions. We have an excellent global team and this project demonstrates the integrated approach we have to ensuring we deliver the best vehicles, bespoke simulation training, and digital video and data acquisition products. We look forward to continuing to support the Vietnam Navy in their subsea operations.”


Issued on behalf of Forum Energy Technologies by Gillian George. For more information, please contact [email protected] or +44 (0)1224 211045.


Notes to Editors:

Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the drilling, downhole, subsea, completions and production sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. Forum is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe.

For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

Forum’s ROV to Support Indonesia’s Largest Copper and Gold Mine

Aberdeen, UK – 27th March 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies has secured an order from PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (“Amman Mineral”) to supply one of its observation-class remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to support operations at Indonesia’s second largest copper and gold mine.

The vehicle will be deployed at Batu Hijau on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia, for subsea mining operations. The Sub-Atlantic brand Super Mohawk II ROV system will be equipped with two five-function manipulator arms for complex underwater procedures. The new asset will replace the company’s current Super Mohawk ROV and incorporates much of the existing surface equipment.

The Super Mohawk II is well-suited for all inspection and light work tasks including non-destructive testing, seabed analysis, scientific survey and data sample collection.

This is the second time Forum has delivered one of its observation-class ROVs for work relating to the mine, having supplied the quarry’s previous owners, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, with a Super Mohawk previously.

Amman Mineral successfully completed the purchase of Newmont Mining Corporation’s ownership stake of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara in 2016. Since then, the company has been improving their operations efficiency and environmental compliance as part of their commitment to the implementation of good corporate governance.

“The Super Mohawk II ROV will be used to perform regular deep sea tailing placement monitoring programs to ensure that the marine environment is highly preserved. The use of hi-tech and implementation of mining best practices demonstrate our commitments in environmental stewardship,” said Kartika Octaviana, Head of Corporate Communications Manager Amman Mineral.

The ROV system will be manufactured at Forum’s UK facility at Kirkbymoorside in Yorkshire and delivered in the first quarter of next year. This will be the company’s 37th Super Mohawk system deployed for global operation and the fourth to be built at its Kirkbymoorside manufacturing facility since the first one was produced in 2002.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles explained, “Forum has a strong reputation around the world for manufacturing high-quality, robust ROVs and associated auxiliary products for the oil and gas, renewables, navies, aquaculture and academic industries. This contract demonstrates the value our vehicles can offer to the mining community as well.

“This is the second ROV we have delivered to Batu Hijau and I am looking forward to seeing our system delivering the required operational resilience and performance standards expected in such a safety-critical sector,” added Kevin Taylor.



Issued on behalf of Forum Subsea Technologies by BIG Partnership. For more information, please contact Pam Wilson on +44 (0)1224 211045 or [email protected]


Notes to Editors:


1 https://commodity.com/indonesia/


Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion, production and infrastructure sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. Forum is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe.

For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

Forum’s ROV to Support Amundsen Science’s Arctic Research

Aberdeen, UK – 10th February 2020 – Forum Energy Technologies has secured an order from Amundsen Science (Université Laval, Canada) to supply a light work-class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to support its Arctic scientific research activities.

The vehicle will be installed on board the Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen and will support the exploration of Arctic and Sub-arctic seafloor eco-systems. Equipped with 85 scientific systems, the CCGS Amundsen gives Canadian researchers and their international collaborators unprecedented access to the Arctic Ocean. Since 2003, the vessel has spent over 2,100 research days at sea and accommodated over 1,700 scientists, technicians, students, and professionals from over 20 different countries.

Forum’s Sub-Atlantic Comanche ROV system was selected due to its high thrust-to-drag ratio enabling it to operate in strong currents. The ROV is equipped to a high specification with two seven-function manipulator arms for complex underwater procedures. It also has precision positioning and navigation systems, cameras, lighting and sonars for low visibility operations.

The new asset will replace the organisation’s current Super Mohawk ROV, which was also supplied by Forum.

The new Comanche ROV will be manufactured at Forum’s facility at Kirkbymoorside, Yorkshire and delivered in the first quarter of this year.

Kevin Taylor, Forum’s Vice President – Subsea Vehicles, said: “Forum has a strong reputation around the world for manufacturing high quality, robust ROVs and associated auxiliary products for the oil and gas, renewables, defence, aquaculture and mining industries. This contract demonstrates the value our vehicles can also offer to scientific research projects.

“This is the second ROV we have delivered to Université Laval and we are thrilled the organisation continues to see the value our ROVs deliver. I am looking forward to seeing our system provide the required operational resilience and performance standards expected in such a safety-critical sector.”

The Comanche ROV will represent a pivotal equipment of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen. In 2020, it will be deployed at several locations spanning a latitudinal gradient from 58° to 77°N to study deep-water corals and cold seep eco-systems of the northern Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. The project will generate critical knowledge of biodiversity and marine habitats needed for key ocean conservation initiatives in Canada”, said Dr. Alexandre Forest, Executive Director of Amundsen Science.


Issued on behalf of Forum Subsea Technologies by BIG Partnership. For more information, please contact Pam Wilson on +44 (0)1224 211045 or [email protected]


Notes to Editors:

About Forum Subsea Technologies

Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a global oilfield products company, serving the subsea, drilling, completion, production and infrastructure sectors of the oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s products include highly engineered capital equipment as well as products that are consumed in the drilling, well construction, production and transportation of oil and natural gas. Forum is headquartered in Houston, TX with manufacturing and distribution facilities strategically located around the globe. For more information, please visit f-e-t.com

About the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen and Amundsen Science

Mobilized for science in 2002 thanks to major grants from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and other partners, the Amundsen has been pivotal in revitalizing Canada’s research effort in the study of the changing Arctic Ocean. Since 2003, the research icebreaker has accommodated over 115 Canadian and international teams in the deployment of no less than 50 major programs. Hosted at Université Laval, Amundsen Science maintains the vessel’s pool of scientific equipment, coordinates the deployment of the icebreaker for science, and provides logistical and technical support for user programs. For more information on Amundsen Science and the CCGS Amundsen: www.amundsen.ulaval.ca