Advances in Understanding the Scaling Potential for Thermal Wells: A Mechanistic Study

Authors: Hossein Izadi, Javad Sadri, Fateme Hormozzade, Vahidoddin Fattahpour

Intelligent mineral segmentation in thin section images of rocks still remains a challenging task in modern computational mineralogy. The objective of the paper is segmenting minerals in geological thin section’s images with special attention on altered mineral segmentation. In this paper, an efficient incremental-dynamic clustering algorithm is developed for segmentation of minerals in thin sections containing altered and non-altered minerals. In the clustering algorithm, there is no need for determining the number of clusters (minerals) existed in thin section images, and also it is able to deal with color changing and non-evident boundaries in altered minerals. We have solved two main existing limitations: segmentation of mineral pixels that are frequently labeled as background pixels, and segmentation of thin sections containing altered minerals. Moreover, we created an open database (Alborz Mineralogical Database), as a benchmark database in computational geosciences regarding image studies of mineral. The proposed method is validated based on the results provided by the segmentation maps, and experimental results indicate that the proposed method is very efficient and outperforms previous segmentation methods for altered minerals in thin section images. The proposed method can be applied in mining engineering, rock mechanics engineering, geotechnique engineering, mineralogy, petrography, and applications such as NASA’s Mars Rover Explorations (MRE).

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Surface Interactions between Water-in-Oil Emulsions with Asphaltenes and Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Coating

Authors: Lu Gong, Ling Zhang, Li Xiang, Jiawen Zhang, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Mahdi Mamoudi, Morteza Roostaei, Brent Fermaniuk, Jing-Li Luo, and Hongbo Zeng

Surface interactions between emulsion drops and substrate surfaces play an important role in many phenomena in industrial processes, such as fouling issues in oil production. Investigating the interaction forces between the water-in-oil emulsion drops with interfacially adsorbed asphaltenes and various substrates is of fundamental and practical importance in understanding the fouling mechanisms and developing efficient antifouling strategies. In this work, the surface interactions between water drops with asphaltenes and Fe substrates with or without an electroless nickel–phosphorus (EN) coating in organic media have been directly quantified using the atomic force microscope drop probe technique. The effects of asphaltene concentration, organic solvent type, aging time, contact time, and loading force were investigated. The results demonstrated that the adhesion between water drops and the substrates was enhanced with higher asphaltene concentration, better organic solvent to asphaltenes, longer aging time, longer contact time, and stronger loading force, which was due to the growing amount and conformational change of asphaltenes adsorbed at the water/oil interface. Meanwhile, the adhesion between the water drop and the EN substrate was much weaker than that with the Fe substrate. The bulk fouling tests also showed that EN coating had a very good antifouling performance, which was in consistence with the force measurement results. Our work sheds light on the fundamental understanding of emulsion-related fouling mechanisms in the oil industry and provides useful information for developing new coatings with antifouling performances.

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Insights into the erosion-enhanced corrosion on electroless Ni–P coating from single particle impingement

Authors: Chong Sun, Jiankuan Li, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Morteza Roostaei, Mahdi Mahmoudi, Hongbo Zeng, Jing-Li Luo

The erosion-enhanced corrosion behavior of electroless Ni–P coating was investigated by single particle impingement coupled with in-situ electrochemical measurements. The transient anodic dissolution of Ni–P coating induced by the single particle impingement is enhanced with the rising impact velocity, followed by a rapid repassivation that obeys a bi-exponential decaying law. The coating demonstrates a good erosion-corrosion resistance due to its strong capability of repassivation that is scarcely affected by the changing hydrodynamics under the test conditions. The erosion-enhanced corrosion rate of Ni–P coating in flowing slurry is well predicted based on the repassivation kinetic parameters determined from single particle impingement.

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Insights into the Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Electroless Ni-P Coating in the CO2/H2S/Cl− Environment

Authors: Jiankuan Li; Chong Sun; Morteza Roostaei; Mahdi Mahmoudi; Vahidoddin Fattahpour; Hongbo Zeng; Jing-Li Luo

The electrochemical corrosion behavior of Ni-P coating in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution-containing CO2 and H2S was investigated using electrochemical methods and surface characterization techniques. The results show that the presence of H2S can enhance the CO2 corrosion of Ni-P coated carbon steel by affecting both anodic and cathodic processes. The H2PO2 adsorbed layer only exists in the very early stage of corrosion and barely improves the anticorrosion performance of the coating. The formation of corrosion products (NiO and Ni3S2) renders temporary protection during immersion, but the addition of H2S accelerates the diffusion process at the electrolyte/coating interface and promotes the electrolyte penetration through the coating, causing severe localized corrosion and coating disbondment. A corrosion model is proposed to illustrate the corrosion and degradation process of Ni-P coated steel in the CO2/H2S/Cl environment.

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Unplugging Standalone Sand Control Screens with High-power Shock Waves: An Experimental Study

Authors: Ali Habibi (University of Alberta) | Charles Fensky (Blue Spark Energy) | Mike Perri (Blue Spark Energy) | Morteza Roostaei (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Ali Ghalambor (Oil Center Research International) | Mohtada Sadrzadeh (University of Alberta) | Hongbo Zeng (University of Alberta)

Previous studies showed that different parameters influence the plugging of completion tools. These parameters include (i) rock mineralogy, (ii) reservoir fluids properties, and (iii) type of completion tools. Although different methods have been used for unplugging these tools, there is still debate regarding performance of these methods on damage removal.

In this study, we assessed the performance of high-power shockwaves generated from an electro-hydraulic stimulation (EHS) tool on cleaning completion tools plugged during oil production. These devices were extracted from different wells in Canada, Europe, and the US. First, we evaluated the extent of cleaning for the plugged completion tools using an EHS tool at the lab-scale. We examined the slots/screens before and after the treatment to show the performance of the EHS tool. Next, we analyzed the mineral composition and morphology of the plugging materials removed after the treatment by conducting X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyses. Finally, we reviewed the pulsing stimulation treatment results applied to several field case studies.

The results of unplugging sand control devices at the lab-scale showed that more than 50% of plugged slots/screens were cleaned after 45 pulses of shockwaves. The characterization results showed that the main plugging materials are calcite, silicate, and iron-based components (corrosion products). The results of field case studies showed an improved oil production rate after the pulsing stimulation treatment.

This paper provides a better understanding of the performance of shockwaves on damage removal from plugged completion tools. The results could provide a complementary tool for production engineers to select a proper method for treating the plugged tools.

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Characterization and corrosion behavior of electroless Ni-Mo-P/Ni-P composite coating in CO2/H2S/Cl− brine: Effects of Mo addition and heat treatment

Authors: Jiankuan Li, Chong Sun, Morteza Roostaei, Mahdi Mahmoudi, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Hongbo Zeng, Jing-Li Luo

The electroless Ni-Mo-P/Ni-P composite coating was applied on N80 carbon steel, and the effects of Mo addition and heat treatment on the corrosion resistance enhancement in CO2/H2S/Cl brine were studied by electrochemical measurements and surface analysis techniques. The Mo addition in the as-deposited Ni-P coating causes the microstructural transformation from amorphous to crystalline due to the reduced P content, thereby suffering severe corrosion. The impaired corrosion performance of as-deposited Mo-incorporated coating is also originated from the absence of the oxide film on the coating surface. Nonetheless, the heat-treated Ni-Mo-P/Ni-P coating exhibits desirable corrosion resistance, which is reflected by the outstanding corrosion inhibition efficiency (η = 96.1%). Heat treatment facilitates the formation of Ni4Mo phase and more importantly, the growth of an oxide film consisting of nickel and molybdenum oxides (H2S-immuned MoO3) with better passivation properties, which accounts for the remarkable corrosion resistance improvement.

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Advances in Understanding the Scaling Potential for Thermal Wells: A Mechanistic Study

Authors: Ali Habibi (University of Alberta) | Charles Fensky (Blue Spark Energy) | Morteza Roostaei (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Hongbo Zeng (University of Alberta) | Mohtada Sadrzadeh (University of Alberta)

Scale deposition and its treatment are crucial part of any thermal recovery method. High temperature variation, phase change associated with steam condensation and flashing, and complex flow dynamics of the wells make the thermal wells more susceptible to scale deposition. Several studies evaluated the type of scales collected from plugged sand screens; however, more investigation is required to address the reservoir conditions and wellbore hydraulics affecting the scaling potential of minerals at downhole conditions.

A laboratory workflow combined with a predictive modeling toolbox to evaluate scaling tendency of minerals for different downhole conditions has been developed. First, saturation indices (SI) for different minerals were calculated at reservoir temperature and pressure using water chemistry analysis and the Pitzer theory. Then, the mineral composition of deposited materials collected from thermal wells in Athabasca and Cold Lake area were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDS), Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analyses. Finally, a comparison analysis was performed between predictive and characterization results.

The results of SI calculations showed that Mg-based silicates and Fe-based minerals are positive (SI>5) even at high temperatures (T>430 K). This indicates that the possibility of deposition for these minerals is high. Carbonates (calcite and aragonite) minerals are the most common depositing minerals. However, the extent of scaling index of carbonates is controlled by the concentration of Ca, HCO3, and CO3 in the water sample. The characterization results confirm the results of modeling part. The results of SEM/EDS, ICP-MS analyses showed that carbonates, Mg-based silicates, and Fe-based corrosion products are the most common depositing materials among all minerals.

The workflow presented in this study will help the industry to evaluate the scaling potential for thermal wells at different downhole conditions to make a proper decision to prevent plugging of the completion tools.

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Fiber Optics Application for Downhole Monitoring and Wellbore Surveillance; SAGD Monitoring, Flow Regime Determination and Flow Loop Design

Authors: Soroush, Mohammad & Mohammadtabar, Mohammad & Roostaei, Morteza & Hosseini, Seyed Abolhassan & Fattahpour, Vahidoddin & Mahmoudi, Mahdi & Keough, Daniel & Tywoniuk, Matthew & Cheng, Li & Moez, Kambiz. (2020).

Effective Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) operation relies on subcool management to reduce the risk of steam breakthrough. Monitoring of several parameters is performed to assure uniform development of steam chamber and heating of reservoir. This paper discusses the application of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), a monitoring platform to achieve reliable reservoir and wellbore surveillance in SAGD projects.

In this study, a comprehensive review of DAS deployment in oil and gas industry was performed including vertical seismic profiling, hydraulic fracturing, well/pipe integrity and flow profiling applications. Then, SAGD flow monitoring was investigated in detail. To utilize DAS in SAGD projects, knowing completion designs are necessary. Therefore, various SAGD completion designs and corresponding flow regimes were discussed as well. Finally, four flow loop designs were proposed to accurately simulate the complex wellbore hydraulics of the SAGD producer using DAS recordings.

This work started with an overview of DAS systems in downhole monitoring including real time high resolution vertical seismic profiling, hydraulic fracturing characterization and optimization, well and pipe integrity, leak detection and assessing completion effectiveness. Then, flow profiling including flow rate, flow fractions and flow regimes determinations using DAS were discussed with focus on SAGD monitoring. Completion designs directly impact on SAGD monitoring and DAS recordings, more specifically on flow regimes inside the tubing and annulus. Therefore, various completion designs with their tubing and screen sizes were presented and corresponding flow regimes were determined in both tubing and annulus. It was observed that flow regimes vary with type of completion design, liquid flow rate, steam breakthrough locations and tubing/screen sizes. Eventually, four flow loop designs were proposed based on the discussions for future DAS application.

This paper discusses existing completion designs and possible flow regimes in SAGD projects. Consequently, novel designed flow loops are introduced for DAS deployment to better understand the complex wellbore hydraulic of the well and measure the key parameters in optimizing the production operation. This study is a design stage for future quantitative measuring of flow profiling using DAS systems.

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The Role of Emulsions in Steam-Assisted-Gravity-Drainage (SAGD) Oil-Production Process: A Review

Authors: Shadi Ansari (University of Alberta) | Reza Sabbagh (University of Alberta) | Yishak Yusuf (University of Alberta) | David S. Nobes (University of Alberta)

Studies that investigate and attempt to model the process of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) for heavy-oil extraction often adopt the single-phase-flow assumption or relative permeability of the moving phases as a continuous phase in their analyses. Looking at the emulsification process and the likelihood of its prevalence in SAGD, however, indicates that it forms an important part of the entire physics of the process. To explore the validity of this assumption, a review of prior publications that are related to the SAGD process and the modeling approaches used, as well as works that studied the emulsification process at reservoir conditions, is presented. Reservoir conditions are assessed to identify whether the effect of the emulsion is strong enough to encourage using a multiphase instead of a single-phase assumption for the modeling of the process. The effect of operating conditions on the stability of emulsions in the formation is discussed. The review also covers the nature and extent of effects from emulsions on the flow mechanics through pore spaces and other flow passages that result from the well completion and downhole tubing, such as sand/flow-control devices. The primary outcome of this review strengthens the idea that a multiphase-flow scenario needs to be considered when studying all flow-related phenomena in enhanced-oil-recovery processes and, hence, in SAGD. The presence of emulsions significantly affects the bulk properties of the porous media, such as relative permeability, and properties that are related to the flow, such as viscosity, density, and ultimately pressure drop. It is asserted that the flow of emulsions strongly contributed to the transport of fines that might cause plugging of either the pore space or the screen on the sand-control device. The qualitative description of these influences and their extents found from the review of this large area of research is expected to guide activities during the conception stages of research questions and other investigations.

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Interaction of loosely packed bubbly flow passing through a pore space

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The interactions of the bubbles in a loosely packed bubbly flow in a high viscous fluid approaching a pore space are studied using a shadowgraph imaging technique. The motion of the bubbles has been evaluated by considering shape analysis of their deformation and the variation in the velocity and pressure distribution of the phase. A comparison of two cases of a linear array and a matrix of bubbles emphasizes the importance of the arrangement on the deformation and motion of the dispersed phase in the pore space. The deformation of the bubbles in both cases results in a deceleration and acceleration process of the dispersed phase in the pore region. This process was a function of size, number of the bubbles competing in the pore throat and the arrangement of the competing bubbles. The variation in the motion of the dispersed phase will ultimately lead to different flow motion and phenomena at the entrance of the pore throat. The results also highlight that although bubbles had different motion approaching the pore throat, they follow similar deformation transition as they enter and exit the pore throat. This work contributes to existing knowledge of multi-phase flow in pore space by providing further understanding the effect of the interaction of phases based on the arrangement and their motion in a porous geometry.

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