Measurement of the flow behavior index of Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids via analysis of the flow velocity characteristics in a mini-channel

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An in-situ measurement technique to determine the rheology of a fluid based on the experimentally measured velocity profile of a flow in a mini-channel is introduced. The velocity profiles of a Newtonian and different shear-thinning fluids along a rectangular channel were measured using shadowgraph particle image velocimetry (PIV). Deionized water and different concentrations of a polyacrylamide solution were used as Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids, respectively and were studied at different Reynolds numbers. The flow indices of the fluids were determined by comparing the experimental velocity profile measurements with developed theory that takes into account the non-Newtonian nature of the fluids rheology. The results indicated that the non-Newtonian behavior of the shear-thinning fluid intensified at lower Reynolds numbers and it behaved more as a Newtonian fluid as the Reynolds number increased. A comparison between the power law index determined from experimental monitoring of the velocity profile at different Reynolds numbers and measurements from a rheometer reflected good agreement. The results from the study validate the new approach of the rheology measurement of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows through straight, rectangular cross-section channels. The proposed approach can be further utilized using other methods such as X-ray PIV to characterize the rheology of non-transparent fluids and in general, for all non-Newtonian fluids.

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Experimental and analytical investigation of meso-scale slug bubble dynamics in a square capillary channel


The flow of dispersed gas bubbles in a viscous liquid can create a bubbly, slug bubble, or elongated bubble flow regime. A slug bubble flow, characterized by bubble sizes equal to the hydraulic diameter of the channel, is a transition regime with a complex local flow field that has received little attention in the past. In this study, dynamics of this flow regime in a square capillary with a cross-sectional area of 3 × 3 mm² was studied analytically and experimentally. The main geometric parameters of the flow field, such as film and corner thicknesses and volume fraction, were calculated for different flow conditions based on a semi-empirical approach. Using velocity fields from particle image velocimetry (PIV), combined with the analytical equations derived, local mean variations of the film and corner flow thicknesses and velocity were analyzed in detail. Analysis of the results reveals a linear relation between the bubble speed and the liquid slug velocity that was obtained using sum-of-correlation PIV. Local backflow, where the liquid locally flows in the reverse direction, was demonstrated to occur in the slug bubble flow, and the theoretical analysis showed that it can be characterized based on the bubble cross-sectional area and ratio of the liquid slug and bubble speed. The backflow phenomenon is only contributed to the channel corners, where the speed of liquid can increase to the bubble speed. However, there is no evidence of reverse flow in the liquid film for the flow conditions analyzed in this study.

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Experimental Correlations for the Performance and Aperture Selection of Wire-Wrapped Screens in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Production Wells

Authors: Jesus David Montero Pallares (University of Alberta) | Chenxi Wang (University of Alberta) | Mohammad Haftani (University of Alberta) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta)

Wire-wrapped screens (WWSs) are one of the most-commonly used devices by steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operators because of the capacity to control plugging and improve flow performance. WWSs offer high open-to-flow area (OFA) (6 to 18%) that allow a high release of fines, hence, less pore plugging and accumulation at the near-screen zone. Over the years, several criteria have been proposed for the selection of aperture sizes on the basis of different industrial contexts and laboratory experiments. Generally, existing aperture-sizing recommendations include only a single point of the particle-size distribution (PSD). Operators and academics rely on sand-control testing to evaluate the performance of sand-control devices (SCDs). Scaled laboratory testing provides a straightforward tool to understand the role of flow rate, flowing phases, fluid properties, stresses, and screen specifications on sand retention and flow impairment.

This study employs large-scale prepacked sand-retention tests (SRTs) to experimentally assess the performance of WWSs under variable single-phase and multiphase conditions. The experimental results and parametric trends are used to formulate a set of empirical equations that describe the response of the WWS. Several PSD classes with various fines content and particle size are tested to evaluate a broad range of PSDs. Operational procedures include the coinjection of gas, brine, and oil to emulate aggressive conditions during steam-breakthrough events.

The experimental investigation leads to the formulation of predictive correlations. Additional PSDs were prepared to verify the adequacy of the proposed equations. The results show that sanding modes are both flow-rate and flowing-phase dependent. Moreover, the severity or intensity of producing sand is greatly influenced by the ratio of grain size to aperture size and the ability to form stable bridges. During gas and multiphase flow, a dramatic amount of sanding was observed for wider apertures caused by high multiphase flow velocities. However, liquid stages displayed less-intense transient behaviors. Remarkably, WWSs rendered an excellent flow performance even for low-quality sands and narrow apertures. Although further and more complete testing is required, empirical correlations showed good agreement with experimental results.

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Effect of Slot Width and Density on Slotted Liner Performance in SAGD Operations

Authors: Yujia Guo, Alireza Nouri, and Siavash Nejadi

Sand production from a poorly consolidated reservoir could give rise to some severe problems during production. Holding the load bearing solids in place is the main goal of any sand control technique. The only sand control techniques that have found applications in steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) are some of the mechanical methods, including wire wrapped screens, slotted liners and more recently, punched screens. Slotted liner is one of the most effective mechanical sand control methods in the unconsolidated reservoir exploitation, which has proven to be the preferred sand control method in the SAGD operations. The main advantage of the slotted liners that makes them suitable for SAGD operations is their superior mechanical integrity for the completion of long horizontal wells. This study is an attempt to increase the existing understanding of the fines migration, sand production, and plugging tendency for slotted liners by using a novel large-scale scaled completion test (SCT) facility. A triaxial cell assembly was used to load sand-packs with specified and controlled grain size distribution, shape and mineralogy, on multi-slot sand control coupons. Different stress levels were applied parallel and perpendicular to different combinations of slot width and density in multi-slot coupons, while brine was injected from the top of the sand-pack towards the coupon. At each stress level, the mass of produced sand was measured, and the pressure drops along the sand-pack and coupon were recorded. Fines migration was also investigated by measuring fines/clay concentration along the sand-pack. The current study employed multi-slot coupons to investigate flow interactions among slots and its effect on the flow performance of liner under typically encountered stresses in SAGD wells. According to the experimental observations, increasing slot width generally reduces the possibility of pore plugging caused by fines migration. However, there is a limit for slot aperture beyond which the plugging is not reduced any further, and only a higher level of sanding occurs. Test measurements also indicated that besides the slot width, the slot density also influences the level of plugging and sand production and must be included in the design criteria.

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A set of graphical design criteria for slotted liners in steam assisted gravity drainage production wells

Authors: Chenxi Wang, Yu Pang, Mahdi Mahmoudi, Mohammad Haftani, Mahmoud Salimi, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Alireza Nouri

Slotted liners have been widely used in steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) wells owing to their low cost and superior mechanical integrity. Multiple factors affect the performance of slotted liners, such as particle size distribution (PSD) of formation sands, aperture size, slot density, fluid flow rate, and wellbore operational conditions. Currently, most of the existing design criteria formulate the lower and upper bounds of the aperture based on one or several points on the particle size distribution curve of oil sands. Most of these design criteria neglect the slot density, wellbore operational conditions, and shape of PSD curve.

This study carries out a series of large-scale pre-pack sand retention tests (SRT) in step rates. The aim is to investigate the impacts of aperture size, slot density, and fluid flow rate on the slotted liner performance. Comprehensive design criteria for determining the safe aperture window are presented to maintain the sanding and the wellbore plugging of the zone near the slotted liners within an acceptable level. Sand production governs the upper bound of the aperture size, and flow performance guides the lower bound of the aperture size. The new criteria are presented graphically to illustrate the optimal slot window as a function of the sand PSD, slot density, and fluid flow rate. The results of separate tests are used to demonstrate the performance of the new design criteria. The optimal slot window obtained via the new design criteria guides the slot liner selection in the SAGD process.

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A Concise Review of Experimental Works on Proppant Transport and Slurry Flow

Authors: Morteza Roostaei (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Alireza Nouri (University of Alberta) | Seyed Abolhassan Hosseini (RGL Reservoir Management Inc., University of Alberta) | Mohammad Soroush (RGL Reservoir Management Inc., University of Alberta) | Arian Velayati (University of Alberta) | Mahdi Mahmoudi (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.) | Ali Ghalambor (Oil Center Research International) | Vahidoddin Fattahpour (RGL Reservoir Management Inc.)


Final proppant distribution inside hydraulic fractures which depends on particle properties, movement and deposition highly impact wellbore productivity and consequently is crucial in modeling and design of hydraulic fracturing. This paper presents a thorough review of laboratory scale tests performed on proppant transport related to hydraulic fracturing treatments and governing physics behind its mechanisms.

The interaction between fluid (gas and liquid) and solid particles has been investigated in applied mathematics and physics. In such phenomena, there is always a relative motion between particles and fluids. In this work this relative motion during proppant movement, sedimentation and fluidization in both small- and large-scale lab tests have been assessed in detail. Existing correlations which relate proppant particles settling velocity to concentration of proppant particles, fracture wall and inertia effect in Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluid are presented as well.

Lab tests show that various parameters determine the proppant particles distribution inside the fractures. Particle settling velocity, an influential parameter in this regard, is impacted by fracture walls, inertia and the presence of other particles. Inertia changes the relation of drag coefficient and Reynold number. Fracture wall and particles concentration decrease settling velocity as drag force increases. At a certain level, concentration reaches to its limit. Proppant concentration, in addition, increases the suspension viscosity, fracture width and net pressure. However, it deceases the fracture length as more pressure loss occurs along the fracture. As a result, well productivity is highly impacted by the proppant settling and distribution.

Many studies have been devoted to identifying different aspects of hydraulic fracturing and proppant transport mechanisms in porous media. This study highlights the key parameters and their effects, existing correlations and physics behind them for better understanding and management of this mechanism.

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Developing a methodology to characterize formation damage (pore plugging) due to fines migration in sand control tests

Authors: Chenxi Wang, Jesus D. Montero Pallares, Mohammad Haftani, Alireza Nouri

Stand-alone screens (SAS) have been widely used in steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operations. Although many researchers investigated the flow performance of SAS through sand control tests, the formation damage (pore plugging) due to fines migration has not been characterized under multi-phase flow conditions. In this study, a methodology is developed to quantify and characterize the fines migration under multi-phase flow sand control testing conditions.

A large-scale sand retention test (SRT) facility is used to investigate the flow performance of SAS. Duplicated sand samples with similar particle size distribution (PSD), shape, and mineralogy properties to the McMurray Formation oil sands are obtained by mixing different types of commercial sands, silts, and clays. Oil and brine are simultaneously injected into the sand-pack at different water-cut levels and liquid rates to emulate the changing inflow conditions in SAGD operations. The saturation levels in each flow stage are measured to determine the relative permeability values. Next, the relative permeability curves of the duplicated sand-pack sample are measured following the steady-state method. Finally, the pressure data obtained from the SRT in each flow stage are coupled with the relative permeability values to calculate the retained permeability as the indicator of flow performance of SAS’.

Generally, testing results show that single-phase oil flow generates minor and negligible permeability impairments in the near-screen zone of the sand-pack. An evident permeability reduction is observed once the water breakthrough happens, indicating that the wetting-phase fluid significantly mobilizes fine particles and causes pore plugging. Also, with the increase of flow rate and water cut, a further reduction in permeability is found as a result of the higher drag force and greater exposure area of fines to brine.

The proposed methodology presented in this study allows quantitative characterization of the formation damage under multi-phase flow condition and provides a practical and straightforward method for the evaluation of the SAS’s flow performance.

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Numerical investigation of the hydraulic fracturing mechanisms in oil sands

Authors: Siavash Taghipoor, Morteza Roostaei, Arian Velayati, Atena Sharbatian, Dave Chan, Alireza Nouri

This paper presents a numerical investigation of hydraulic fracturing in oil sands during cold water injection by considering the aspects of both geomechanics and reservoir fluid flow. According to previous studies, the low shear strengths of unconsolidated or weakly consolidated sandstone reservoirs significantly influence the hydraulic fracturing process. Therefore, classical hydraulic fracture models cannot simulate the fracturing process in weak sandstone reservoirs. In the current numerical models, the direction of a tensile fracture is predetermined based on in situ stress conditions. Additionally, the potential transformation of a shear fracture into a tensile fracture and the potential reorientation of a tensile fracture owing to shear banding at the fracture tip have not yet been addressed in the literature. In this study, a smeared fracture technique is employed to simulate tensile and shear fractures in oil sands. The model used combines many important fracture features, which include the matrix flow, poroelasticity and plasticity modeling, saturation-dependent permeability, gradual degradation of the oil sands as a result of dilative shear deformation, and the tensile fracturing and shear failure that occur with the simultaneous enhancement of permeability. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses are also performed with respect to the reservoir and geomechanical parameters, including the apparent tensile strength and cohesion of the oil sands, magnitude of the minimum and maximum principal stress, absolute permeability and elastic modulus of the oil sands and ramp-up time. All these analyses are performed to clarify the influences of these parameters on the fracturing response of the oil sands.

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Protocol for sand control screen design of production wells for clayey silt hydrate reservoirs: A case study

Authors: Yanlong LiFulong NingNengyou WuQiang ChenAlireza NouriGaowei HuJiaxin SunZenggui KuangQingguo Meng

The process of extracting natural gas from gas hydrate‐bearing sediments (GHBS) may yield significant sand influx due to the metastable nature of GHBS. Selecting appropriate sand control media is vital to addressing the challenges caused by excessive sand production. This study proposes a protocol called holding coarse expelling fine particles (HCEFP) for sand control design. The protocol aims to provide a new optimization method for screen mesh size selection for clayey silt hydrate reservoirs. Detailed optimizing procedures of proper candidate screen mesh sizes in hydrate exploitation well in clayey silt hydrate reservoirs are depicted based on the HCEFP. Then, the site W18, which is located in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea, is taken as an example to illustrate the optimization procedure for screen mesh size selection. The results reveal that complete solid retention via a standalone screen is rarely beneficial as high clay contents can adversely affect wellbore productivity due to excessive plugging. Screen aperture size selection for clayey silt hydrate wells should strike a balance between retaining coarser particles and avoiding screen blockage by the relatively fine particles. Furthermore, longitudinal heterogeneity of the PSDs also increases the difficulties associated with sand control design. Multistage sand control optimization is necessary in hydrate production wells. For Site W18, we recommend that the entire production interval can be divided into two subintervals for multistage sand control operations.

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A Novel sand control testing facility to evaluate the impact of radial flow regime on screen performance and its verification

Authors: M. HaftaniO. KotbP. H. NguyenChenxi WangMahmood SalimiAlireza Nouri

Optimum design of the sand control devices in oil sand reservoirs plays a vital role in minimizing the sand production and increasing the reservoir productivity in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) operations. Various sand control testing facilities have been developed to evaluate the performance of sand control screens, such as the pre-packed Sand Retention Test (SRT). Current testing apparatuses are based on the linear flow regime. However, fluid flow around SAGD production wells is radial flow, not linear. This study introduces a Full-scale Completion Test (FCT) facility to emulate the radial-flow condition in SAGD wells. Instead of using a disk-shaped screen coupon, this facility utilizes a cylindrical-shaped screen. A couple of tests were carried out to determine the flow uniformity inside the cell and identify the test repeatability. Test results show that flow is distributed uniformly inside the cell, and experiments are repeatable in terms of differential pressures, fines production, and sanding levels. Therefore, this innovative FCT experimental setup and procedure allows a more realistic evaluation of the liner performance by emulating the real SAGD flow regime around the liner. Testing results obtained from the FCT can be used to complement and validate the current testing procedures. These tools can be adopted for an objective custom-design and selection of standalone screens in SAGD.

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